College Lifestyle

College is all about finding what lifestyle works for you and deciding how you want to live your life. However, it can also be a tricky road to navigate with all of the new demands. We help you to keep up your health with healthy recipes and tips, make new friends and explore campus life with how-to’s, and establish a balance that works for you with advice and experience. It’s all about simplifying, and we’re here to do that for you. So come on! You got this.

Avoid the Freshman 15: 7 Tips

Avoid the Freshman 15 with healthy meals

You’ve probably heard of the Freshman 15 before. You know, the fifteen pounds you allegedly gain during your first year of college? While scientists debate the actual average that people gain, it is a real phenomenon with several causes. Just think about it–you’re in a new environment with a new routine and new stressors. There

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