
There’s no better way to set yourself up for success than to do an internship during college. Here, we look at why you should do an internship, what internships are out there, how to land an internship, and more!

What Is a Gap Year? What to Know

The wing of a plane going into the sunset; someone going into a new chapter

If you’re heading toward college soon or transitioning into a new chapter of your life, you might be considering a gap year. However, it’s often vague as to what a gap year really is, what it looks like, and what the potential effects might be. In this article, I’ll review everything you need to know […]

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Do’s and Don’ts of a Cover Letter

A girl writing a cover letter with a pen

It’s that time. You’ve started your job search, and you come across the dreaded application requirement: the cover letter. While cover letters might never be fun to write, they are rewarding, and they’re a great way to showcase your personality and capabilities to your potential employer. Here are some helpful do’s and don’ts for writing

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5 Things to Know About Soft Skills

Soft Skills Banner

As you go to apply for jobs, internships, and other leadership positions, you’ll hear the term “soft skills” popping up more and more. In this article, we go over what soft skills are, how you can improve them, and how you can market yourself well. #1: What Are “Soft Skills”? We’ll start out with the

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