
All of the college advice that you could ever need: academic, lifestyle, and transitioning to career. If you’re from SDSU, there’s a special section for you here!

What Is a Gap Year? What to Know

The wing of a plane going into the sunset; someone going into a new chapter

If you’re heading toward college soon or transitioning into a new chapter of your life, you might be considering a gap year. However, it’s often vague as to what a gap year really is, what it looks like, and what the potential effects might be. In this article, I’ll review everything you need to know

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Strategies for a Hassle-Free College or Graduate School Application Process

A girl in a yellow shirt writing in a notebook

Dreaming Upwards is your compass for navigating the exciting yet challenging college experience, offering insights on academics, lifestyle, and career planning. Today, we have another wonderful guest post from Susan Good, one of our friends at Read on for tips about the graduate school application process! Starting the process of applying for college or

Strategies for a Hassle-Free College or Graduate School Application Process Read More »

Selecting Your University: 8 Tips

A signpost in front of a sunset

Now that March comes to an end, high school seniors have heard back from their universities. Yes–after millions of applications and four years of hard work, you’re finally at the point where you can start selecting your university. However, for most people, this is harder than they might initially think. This is for several reasons,

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Avoid the Freshman 15: 7 Tips

Avoid the Freshman 15 with healthy meals

You’ve probably heard of the Freshman 15 before. You know, the fifteen pounds you allegedly gain during your first year of college? While scientists debate the actual average that people gain, it is a real phenomenon with several causes. Just think about it–you’re in a new environment with a new routine and new stressors. There

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