August 2022 Book of the Month: How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age

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Every month, we like to pick a book that has content relevant to college-aged people. Usually, these books are fiction. However, this month, in the spirit of self-improvement and new beginnings, we’re going with a revamped version of Dale Carnegie’s famous book: How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age. It’s a long title, yes, but it’s definitely worth the read.

Because it’s nonfiction, this review is going to be structured a little differently. Instead of reviewing plot and audiences this would be great for, we will skip right to why you should read it.

Chances are pretty good that you’ve heard of the famous How to Win Friends and Influence People, if only in passing. It’s commonly referred to as one of the best (if not the best) personal success books ever written. This version is simply updated and expanded for our modern needs and mindset.

I first read this book when I was 18, right before I started college. A family friend–one of the most successful and personable women I have ever met–recommended it to me after I asked what she had read to become such a great leader. I immediately went home, ordered it from Amazon, and pored through it. As I met a ton of new people and found myself in new experiences, the advice truly helped–hence why it’s August’s book of the month!

So, in traditional fashion, here’s who this book is good for:
  • People who want to deal with people more effectively
  • People who want to improve their personal, professional, and academic lives
  • People who want to know how to network in a genuine way
  • People who are open to growth
  • College students who want to get a head start on success
  • Introverts who want to build their confidence
  • Pretty much anyone who has a few spare hours to flip through it

I won’t claim that this book is the Bible for interactions with other human beings. In fact, a lot of the advice is fairly common sense when you think about it. But that’s just the problem–often, a lot of us don’t think about it.

So What Does It Cover?

How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age breaks socializing and influencing down into four parts: the basics, impressions, trust, and leading change. In each of these sections, it breaks things down further into narrowed down tips and examples of how and why they work.

For example, in Part 1, they talk about the importance of “connecting with core desires.” Consider the situation at the beginning of the school year. Are you new to the dorm scene, walking into a new class, or starting a new job? How could you use this to consider core desires you can connect with in your fellow residents, classmates, or employees? Especially if you’re socially anxious, shy, or someone who wants to be prepared, this allows you to plan out those occasionally nerve wracking encounters beforehand. In Part 4, they mention the importance of “asking questions instead of giving direct orders,” which is something I can’t get behind enough. As you grow and explore who you are as a leader and what makes your style more effective, advice like this is critical to your growth. Lucky for you, it’s all in one place.

Why Should You Read It?

While it has always been important to understand how to deal with people and how to be a leader, the importance is rising even more now. We live in a digital age. That much is clear to anyone with eyes. However, we also need to navigate in-person and hybrid terrains. This can be difficult, especially with the increasing mix of cultural clashes. This book speaks to our generation and our current needs. In a world where self-help books are ever increasing, How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age gives classic advice that can be applied in all settings!

A Final Word

While nonfiction might not always be as fun as fiction for some of us (me included!), this book is worth breaking the mold for. Why go through your own struggles and find things out the hard way when someone has done all the work for you? Make your college experience easier and prepare yourself better for the post university life. Do yourself a favor and pick up this book!